About me
I was born in 19xx in Istanbul. I completed my Management Engineering undergraduate degree in 2001 at Istanbul Technical University and graduated from the PhD of Quantitative Methods in 2009 at Istanbul University. I worked as a research assistant in Istanbul University School of Business Quantitative Methods Department between 2003-2013. In January 2013, I joined University of Cape Town Statistical Sciences Department as a lecturer. I am currently a senior lecturer and the program coordinator for MSc Data Science degree at UCT, Statistical Sciences Department. My academic interests consist of spatial statistical models and machine learning algorithms applied in different areas such as agriculture, ecology and health sciences.
Here you will find information about me, links to my publications, workshops that I was involved in, my research areas and websites for the courses I teach. If you follow the Turkish site, you will also find about my personal interests and travels (mostly Ireland for now, lots to add for South Africa of course).