ANN in R
Chapter 1 Introduction
In this tutorial you will be introduced to several R packages and how to use some of them such as neuralnet , keras and h2o .
In any of these packages the order of NN application is standard:
1 - Preprocess your data:
Standardize or normalize your data (scale or min-max)
Missing values, outliers
Training/Validation and Test set splits
2 - Construct your NN model, ie. number of neurons, number of layers, learning rate, regularization etc. (these are your hyperparameters)
3 - Fit your model
4 - Predict your Y variable for both training and validation sets.
5 - Extract the training and validation errors, visualize these for different number of hyperparameters (fine tuning)
6 - Choose the parameters based on the smallest validation error.
7 - Assess the performance of your predicted model on the test set. Remember the test set error is not for decision making!